D’bah on a perfect day!

I had a few moments at Duranbah Beach and snapped a few shots. I hope you enjoy them. CLick on a shot to see the full-sized Gallery



I’m back!


I have enter the Blog challenge for the entire month of October, a blog a day. Let us see how many I can complete?! Who’s going to join the ride?

To all my long-suffering friends and colleagues that have waited for the recipe book, looks like you are going to get a least 6 over the next month in the next 31 blog posts. In tomorrow’s post there will be Creamy Egg Curry and for my meat-eating peeps slow cooked Lamb Curry.

More on Gillian’s Blog

I’m back!.

Should Australia Change It’s National Anthem?

Before the Indigenous All Stars rugby league match on the Gold Coast last month a group of Aboriginal singers sang the Australian National Anthem in their indigenous language and in English. I enjoyed it a lot. I’ve included a video so you can judge for yourself.

Listening to it got me thinking that maybe we should make part of our Countries Anthem mean something to more Australians. I know that there are many Aboriginal languages in Australia and we can’t possible represent all of them in our Anthem. But couldn’t we set up a project for all the Australian Aboriginal communities to write  and record Advance Australia Fair in their language. Then from these recordings couldn’t we set up a group of respected Aboriginal to fashion together the first verse from ten of them. Then we would have a unique Anthem with a link to our Past and our future. We would have an easy path to teach our children more about the first  Australians. And most importantly an Anthem that represents more Australians.

I believe this could make an enormous difference to how many people feel about being Australians. What Do you think?

My Name is Shane “Sully” Sullivan and I am a Unit.

I love getting comments. If you liked this please share it among your friends

Check out my articles on the Wallabies and the Super 15 at Green and Gold Rugby

I Pledge Allegiance to the Closed Lane

Guess which lane I’m in.

For years I have dutifully changed lanes early when I see the lane closed sign ahead. I did this in the belief that if everyone did the same Traffic would flow much easier. I still believe this, but it only works if most people do it.

I have come realize that most people do not change lanes early. In fact they don’t change lanes until they have to. Many will have no idea what the sign above even means.Their actions condemn us , the early lane changers, to sitting and watching a constant stream of traffic pass us with no thought other than their own need to be somewhere.

Well no more! From this day forward I am joining the unwashed masses and never more will I change lanes until the very last second. I have realized that the only way to even out our travel times is to do exactly what they do. If we clutter up the closed lane the open lane may actually move faster.

I urge you to join me in my crusade against this outrage. Make the open lane move faster. We all know how much Australians hate Que jumpers isn’t this just another form of it?

Repeat after me:

I (insert name) pledge allegiance to the closed lane. Never again will I be passed by bogans in a green VN commodore while I sit in traffic. The Tosser in the Audi Q7 can just wait his turn for I am driving in the closed lane now.

See doesn’t that feel better?

My name is Shane “Sully” Sullivan and I am a Unit

I love getting comments. If you like this share it amongst your friends